"Should have stopped here last on a recent vacation to Connecticut! By going here first, the bar was set too high for any other brewers to come close. This is not a slam on the other breweries as they also had very delicious products, but this, is to say how great Connecticut Valley brewery really is. Staff was incredible. Brendan, the production manager went out of his way for us. The brewmaster gave us a tour, the promotions manager brought up stories and told us as well as Brendan the history behind the brewery. Definitely going to be the first stop again on the next visit to Connecticut. I can honestly say that they had no product that I did not like. The dill pickle beer was delicious! Blackberry wheat best beer I’ve ever had! All of their smoothies are exceptional! Ice, tea, just unbelievable flavor.
Don’t just get lost in the incredible brewery and hospitality, right next-door is bluebird coffee. The person that made the coffee, also gave me a tour and explained in depth how coffee is roasted and blended to give us the different flavors that were available. Exceptional and opens early. Whether going to Connecticut just to be with friends or take in the beautiful state this place should be Tops on destinations.
Thanks again, to an incredible staff. We’ll see you again next year!"